Sunday, March 1, 2015

Katy Willis - 19th Ward - Acting, Instead of Being Acted Upon

What can I do if my loved one is making choices that effect me?  How can I help my loved one who is breaking covenants or commandments?  The life experiences that accompany these questions and others like it can leave us feeling confused as to where we end and our loved one(s) begin.  You may feel like you are helplessly standing on the side lines as your life is falling apart because of a loved one's choices.  How can I act and avoid being acted upon?  What is in my stewardship and what do I need to surrender?  How can we get out when we feel so stuck?  We will discuss how to begin sorting this out, ways to support our loved one(s) by personal application of the atonement, and how to let God be the center of our lives and our loved one(s)'s lives.  Please see the handouts below to find the answers. 

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